
The page provides information about the published content of the research. It includes a list of all accepted or published articles in several journals or conferences organized by date or category. In addition, the page may retain a summary of each article or position and associations to the full text.


  1. IJICT
    *A Huffman based short message service compression technique using adjacent distance array
    Pranta Sarker, and Mir Lutfur Rahman
    International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2022
  2. Method of Adjacent Distance Array Outperforms Conventional Huffman Codes to Decode Bengali Transliterated Text Swiftly
    Pranta Sarker, and Mir Lutfur Rahman
    International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, Jan 2022


  1. Introduction to Adjacent Distance Array with Huffman Principle: A New Encoding and Decoding Technique for Transliteration Based Bengali Text Compression
    Pranta Sarker, and Mir Lutfur Rahman
    In Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1299. Springer, Singapore., Apr 2021


  1. A Faster Decoding Technique for Huffman Codes Using Adjacent Distance Array
    Mir Lutfur RahmanPranta Sarker, and Ahsan Habib
    In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore., May 2020
  1. * indicates the paper is accepted and entered into the publication schedule.